Aims and Scope
The premiere bilingual and world-leading outlet for Francophone postcolonial studies, Francophone Studies is an international interdisciplinary journal which enables extensive opportunities for the study of ‘France outside France’. It promotes groundbreaking research on the fundamental nature of the relationship between colonial history and culture, and postcolonial cultural production, including literature and the visual and performing arts. Interests have developed to include the impact of modern French culture in global world culture and the impact of this global culture on French hexagonal culture, and subsequent intellectual, cultural and political developments.
Call for Papers
The journal, which applies a very rigorous peer-review process, invites submissions that pursue the methods and methodologies by which we attempt to approach original research in Francophone postcolonial studies. Articles that encourage challenging debate on problem areas within the field are welcomed to the journal’s open forum, as are high-quality articles usually published as peripheral items in journals from other disciplines. Proposals for special or themed issues are also particularly welcomed.