Workshop at the Humboldt University Berlin (10th of February 2012, location: REWORK, Georgenstrase 23)
Rainer Diaz-Bone, Robert Salais (IDHE), (dir.), “Conventions and institutions in a historical perspective”, Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 2011, special issue 36-4.
Introducing the special issue of Historical Social Research HSR 36]4, 2011
Re:work .Work and Human Lifecycle in Global Historyg
(Humboldt University Berlin)
Centre Marc Bloch
(Humboldt University Berlin)
Laboratoire.Institutions et dynamiques historiques de l’economie” (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan/Paris)
The French approach of geconomie des conventionsh (economics of convention, EC) today is one of the most important strands of the new pragmatic turn in social sciences. Here the
concept of convention is used to analyze different forms of collective coordination under the
conditions of uncertainty, of incomplete rules and of contingent quality definitions.
Conventions are pragmatic assumptions that actors make in interacting with others and they assumed these conventions to be shared in situations. Conventions evolve as solutions to problems of coordination. In a society, conventions constitute a repertory of action registers, to which the building of institutions borrows for grounding and stabilizing collective action and cognition.
Today, EC is the only institutional approach in social sciences which was developed in a real
cooperation between economists, sociologists, and historians. From a historical perspective
the analysis of the emergence and of the change of conventional foundations of social
coordination has been proved seminal to historical research in almost three decades.
The new published special issue of the Journal Historical Social Research gConventions and
institutions from a historical perspectiveh (HSR Vol. 36 No 4) has collected ten contributions to this research field. This special issue of HSR assembled articles of international scholars who applied this approach to historical analysis and demonstrated the conceptual as well as the methodological potential of EC in the field of economic history.
The workshop focuses these articles. Three renowned discussants present main arguments
of these published articles and sketch out critical perspectives as well as further perspectives.
The authors of the articles are invited to participate at the workshop and to discuss with the interested audience.
Program for 10th of February 2012
9.00-9.30 Welcome by Patrice Veit (Centre Marc Bloch Berlin) and Andreas Eckert
(REWORK Berlin)
Introducing the workshop by Rainer Diaz]Bone (University of Lucerne) and
Robert Salais (IDHE Paris and Institute of Advanced Studies Nantes)
9.30-11.00 First session
Discussing the papers from Rainer Diaz]Bone, Robert Salais and Laurent
Thevenot (EHESS Paris)
Chair: Denis Thouard (Centre Marc Bloch)
Discussant: Sigrid Quack (Max Planck Institute Cologne)
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.00 Second session
Discussing the papers from Judde de Lariviere & Georges Hanne (University
of Toulouse), Bert De Munck (University of Antwerp) and Alain Desrosieres
(INSEE and Centre Koyre Paris)
Chair: Milos Vec (asked)
Discussant: Alessandro Stanziani (WIKO Berlin and EHESS Paris)
13.00-14.30 Buffet
14.30-16.00 Third session
Discussing the papers from Christof Jeggle (University of Bamberg), Jurgen
Kadtler (SOFI Gottingen) and Philippe Minard (IDHE and EHESS Paris)
Chair: (Andreas Eckert asked)
Discussant: Alexander Nutzenadel (Humboldt University and REWORK
16.00-16.15 Short coffee break
16.15-17.30 Roundtable with the contributors
Chair: Michael Hutter (WZB Berlin)
ca. 18.00 End
The workshop will take place at gREWORKh (Humboldt University Berlin) on Friday 10th of February. Address: Georgenstrase 23, 10117 Berlin, 6th floor. The location is very close to the Station Friedrichstrase.
REWORK is located where you can find the gAh on the map.
For registration to the workshop please send an email to:
There is no fee for the workshop.
IMPORTANT: Because of limited number of participants, your registration must be affirmed via email by Rainer Diaz]Bone.
IMPORTANT: The deadline for registration is 6th of February 2012.
Hard copy ordering Participants who want to order the special issue HSR 36(4) in advance can order a hard copy at the following email]address of the journal Historical Social Research:
Price for the HSR]issue (including mailing): 12 .